In the second session of the 'AI Broadcast series', we engage in a discussion with Vinay Kumar, Founder and CEO of, on key factors influencing the growth trend in AI hardware, the growth of GPUs, companies and products in the market and the future of AI hardware.
Discover insights from's CEO, Vinay Kumar, on ChatGPT and Generative. Explore the evolving narrative of generative AI and learn how businesses can stay ahead by adapting to current advancements and anticipating future developments.
Unlock ML Observability with AryaXAI Synthetics. Generate high-quality synthetic data to bridge critical gaps, test models at scale, and safeguard data privacy. Overcome challenges posed by data gaps, enabling models to learn from diverse datasets and excel in real-world scenarios.
Do you trust the models just on the basis of accuracy? Why explainability and controls are key for trusting AI solutions?